Born in Baghdad and naturalized British, Zaha Hadid (1950-2016) appears on the contemporary architecture scene as one of the most famous figures for her versatile and particular style, her great charm and impact.
In the seventies, she obtained her mathematics degree in Beirut, then studied architecture in London, opening her own practice in the British capital in 1980. Her first major international recognition dates back to 1983, when she won the competition of the Peak Leisure Club of Hong Kong.
She was the first woman to receive the Pritzker Architecture Prize, in 2004. She received the UK's most prestigious architectural prize, the Stirling Prize, in 2010 and 2011. In 2012, Elizabeth II awarded her awarded the title of Dame for services to architecture, and in 2015 became the first and only woman to be awarded the Royal Gold Medal by the Royal Institute of British Architects.

Musée des sciences Príncipe Felipe

The building, which has all the features requested, exemplifies a certain vision that the Anglo-Iraqi architect sought to achieve: “Beautiful views from all possible angles”. Hence a creation with a complex geometry, in three dimensions, made up of fluid and wavy lines, sharp angles, superimposed planes, cantilevered volumes, ribs and transparencies. The building of an imposing size (195 meters long, 24 m high, 46 m wide) nevertheless gives an impression of movement. Inside, the large volumes are soft, the inclined walls responding to curves. The high glazing brings in the outside light, which plays on the materials of different shades: gold, gray, green, black...

Le palais des Arts Reina Sofía

The building, which has all the features requested, exemplifies a certain vision that the Anglo-Iraqi architect sought to achieve: “Beautiful views from all possible angles”. Hence a creation with a complex geometry, in three dimensions, made up of fluid and wavy lines, sharp angles, superimposed planes, cantilevered volumes, ribs and transparencies. The building of an imposing size (195 meters long, 24 m high, 46 m wide) nevertheless gives an impression of movement. Inside, the large volumes are soft, the inclined walls responding to curves. The high glazing brings in the outside light, which plays on the materials of different shades: gold, gray, green, black...


The building, which has all the features requested, exemplifies a certain vision that the Anglo-Iraqi architect sought to achieve: “Beautiful views from all possible angles”. Hence a creation with a complex geometry, in three dimensions, made up of fluid and wavy lines, sharp angles, superimposed planes, cantilevered volumes, ribs and transparencies. The building of an imposing size (195 meters long, 24 m high, 46 m wide) nevertheless gives an impression of movement. Inside, the large volumes are soft, the inclined walls responding to curves. The high glazing brings in the outside light, which plays on the materials of different shades: gold, gray, green, black...
L’Hemisfèric est un cinéma numérique 3D disposant d’un gigantesque écran incurvé de 900 mètres, qui enveloppe pratiquement les spectateurs. Plusieurs films y sont projetés chaque jour, principalement des documentaires éducatifs de 45 minutes maximum, pour tout public.

l’Agora (Caixa Forum)

Ce bâtiment signé Calatrava est le siège du CaixaForum Valencia, un espace polyvalent qui propose des expositions temporaires et permanentes, de la musique live, des projections, des cycles de conférences et des spectacles pour profiter de la culture et de la science.


Libre d’accès, l’Umbracle est un gigantesque jardin de plus de 17 000 m2 dans lequel vous pouvez vous promener en admirant ses plantes typiquement méditerranéennes, ses oiseaux exotiques ou ses sculptures contemporaines. Lors des soirées d’été, la terrasse Mya ouvre ses portes et vous invite à boire un verre sous le ciel étoilé.

L'Assut d'Or

Le pont a été inauguré le 12 décembre 2008. Avec ses 123 mètres, c'est le plus haut monument de la ville. Le pont, blanc comme toutes les autres réalisations de l'architecte, adopte la forme d'une harpe dont les 29 câbles supportent le tablier.